NAWS- Virtual Showroom

Virtual Showroom (NAWS) is a virtual showroom feature that allows companies to showcase their samples in the form of 3D photos online, through a web-based platform.

With NAWS, you can easily:

• Upload/View 360 Degree Photos

• Integrate with EDS (Enterprise Data System)

• Access via a Web Application

• User-friendly Interface

• Ensure Data Security




NAWS is a virtual showroom feature that enables companies to showcase their samples in 3D photos online through a web-based platform. NAWS allows for the publishing of 360-degree photos to customers and the transfer of sample-related information to the EDS system. From the customer's perspective, NAWS provides features such as the ability to review and comment on photos, add items to a shopping cart, and make requests. NAWS prioritizes the confidentiality of product specifications and is built with a layered security system in its web application.